Expressions with get – Learn English Free

“Get” has been described as the “all purpose verb” and it could very well be true. There are many expressions with get in the English language, too many for one exercise.

In this little exercise you can practice a few of the more commonly used expressions with get. Sometimes the expression can have different meanings depending on the context. “get” is often used to describe activities that you have successfully achieved, or need to achieve. Or it can describe the act of doing something. For example: “I need to get across the road” This means that you need to achieve the task of crossing the road and being at the other side “I got on the bus just in time” This means that you successfully achieved stepping onto the bus. “After I lost my job I decided to get on with my life rather than feel sorry for myself” This describes the act of moving on with your life rather than standing still. “I got off the train when it arrived in London” This describes the act of stepping off the bus “I got out of the car as soon as I could” While we get on a bus/train or airplane (because we step on), we get out of cars. “I got in the car when it stopped at the traffic lights! “I get along / get on very well with my best friend” Both expressions with get can be used here, and it means that you are successful in having a good friendship with that person. You have fun together, rarely argue etc. “After numerous attempts I finally got through the book” This means that you successfully achieved reading the whole book and finished it. It can also be used to describe successfully making contact with someone: “I phoned him every day for a week and finally got through on Friday!” This means that he finally answered the phone on Friday. “The best way to get around London is by using the underground train” This describes how you can travel around the city “The road was blocked but I managed to get around by using a different road” This means that you successfully arrived at the other side by using a different road. “I need to get rid of my old sofa, does anyone want it? If not I’ll throw it away” This means that you need to achieve the task of removing the sofa from your home, either by throwing it away or giving it away to someone, or even selling it. “I hope you get well / get better soon” These two expressions mean that you hope the person successfully achieves the task of being well again.

Test your knowledge now with a short exercise

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